Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Work it, Run it, Watch it

I have my first test of the semester this Thursday, an annotated bibliography due next Tuesday, and I have to have my thesis advisor picked out and ready to sign an agreement by the following Thursday...
Have I done any preparation for these tasks?
None whatsoever.

But that's ok, right?
I'll admit it, I have been procrastinating non stop and this weekend would have been a wonderful time to get stuff done since I no longer have my apartment in the Classic City :( and downtown wasn't calling my name.
Actually that's a lie. My sister and I went downtown Friday, but just to dinner NOT to go out. : P

Anyway, since I got very little done this weekend (oh P.S. I'm including Mondays into the weekend now because I'm THAT procrastinatory), I have to get things done today!
But of course after I went to class, I had to do something before just diving into more school work.
So I actually did something productive (even though it still isn't school stuff)!
I worked out. I planned to crank up my iTunes and run out my feelings (Ha!), but I saw Friends with Benefits was on and I love that movie. Instead of being a fatty and sitting down and watching it, I did a "no gym required" workout from Pinterest, while I watched the movie.
(Weird? Maybe, but Mila Kunis is still Black Swan skinny in it and that is some major inspiration)
 I kind of thought it would be easy and not that intense, but let me tell you: I felt the burn and I still feel it. But that could be the fact that I haven't worked out more than walking to class and the refrigerator in weeks!

I also noticed how old and dirty my running shoes are starting to look, which is weird because of their lack of use. (Ba dumbum tsss)

So I was browsing around on Zappos.com and found some that I thought were cute (because lets be honest, these are going to see campus during class time way more than the treadmill): 

These Newton Running shoes are the prettiest sherberty sporty shoes I've ever laid my eyes on.

These Nike's are similar to the ones I have now, which I liked a lot at first.
And at $65 they're about half the price of the Newton's above.

I think these are adorable, you can never go wrong with pink and black or red and black (they come in either). They also got a pretty high customer rating!

I think these Brooks' might be the winner, I really liked some old Brooks shoes I had and they also go a 5/5 review.

I might go waste time at brick and mortar store and investigate a little more. Haha.

What's your favorite running shoe? Or what's your favorite way to work out? I'd love suggestions!

P.S. Here's some inspiration if you need it!

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